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Continuing the dog groomimg routine during winter


4 professional groomers share with us the main reasons why, it is necessary for both pets and us alike to maintain our dog's grooming routine throughout the year, in order to ensure we maintain good hygiene and health. We warmly thank, Mrs. Dimitra Aggelakou, Mrs. Phaedra Kapetsaki, Mrs. Eleni Liatsi, and Mrs. Niki Baila for their valuable help as they shared with us their knowledge and experience, giving us their valuable advice. See their answers below.
- Why is it important to continue grooming our dog during winter? How frequently should we take care of their paws and ears?
- Dimitra Aggelakou: Pets are members of our family, they follow our daily life and live with us. Therefore their hygiene is as important as ours. Our pets come in contact with us as well as with the surfaces and furniture of our house and therefore their cleanliness and hygiene should be maintained throughout the year.
Especially in winter, when the weather conditions favor moisture and mud, both the coat and the paws should be clean and dry. In addition, the grooming routine should be maintained throughout the year so that the pet stays familiar with the process and maintains contact with the grooming routine.
- How necessary is brushing and how often should it be done?
- Phaedra Kapsetaki: During winter, grooming and proper brushing are necessary in order to remove mud, knots, and dirt from the coat and feet. Especially for the paws, it is very important to keep them clean and dry  - and for long-haired breeds to trim - so as to remove dirt, moisture, mud, and foreign bodies that may have been trapped. Brushing and the appropriate haircut helps to get rid of knots and dirt that cause great inconvenience to the pet.
In long-haired breeds, we continue their haircut routine with modification (we trim to a different length than during the summer months) as this facilitates grooming and the pet does not suffer from the poor condition of the coat while at the same time, we limit the chances of the coat getting wet during the walk. If we neglect the grooming routine of our dog, especially in cases of long-haired or with double coat breeds, we run the risk of having knots to such an extent where a plain brush can not help, while at the same time we can not maintain its cleanliness.
- How do we modify our dog's grooming during the winter? Do we continue our dog's haircut routine in winter?
-Niki Baila: The systematic care of our pet is a very important part of his health, hygiene, and well-being. It helps us check the condition of the hair, skin, nails, and ears and to identify any problems in time. The grooming is modified according to the lifestyle of the pet guardian and the time s/he can dedicate to the care, the weather conditions but also the living environment of the pet (living indoors or outdoors) and the type - length of his hair.
The haircut, especially in long-haired breeds is considered necessary clarifying that a haircut is not only shaving the coat. Instead, there are options for all seasons, weather conditions, and budgets.
- In which cases should we avoid a dog bath during the winter?
- Eleni Liatsi: Initially we must note that dog grooming is necessary for all dogs to maintain the health of their coat, skin, and well-being. Nevertheless, it is recommended to avoid bathing during the winter for dogs that live exclusively outdoors. Ideally, it is good to bathe before the cold weather starts and continues after the end of winter. If a dog that lives outdoors bathes in the winter, it is recommended to keep it indoors for at least 2 to 3 days after the bath. During the winter when it is not possible to give our pet a bath, we can take care of the dog's coat with dry shampoo.
- Tips for familiarizing a phobic dog with the  grooming process
- Eleni Liatsi: Grooming training depends on the degree of fear. The most important factor in achieving the goal in these cases is the cooperation of the pet guardians. A calm and quiet environment, praise, patience, and educating oneself are the next necessary "tools". We must realize that for phobic dogs time somehow "freezes". We do not count time, we are not in a hurry and we show patience.
Whether we choose to do the grooming at home, or with the help of a professional groomer, when starting with a phobic dog, we must first "introduce" the tools and the person who will touch it, get it acquainted with them, and then make contact. We should praise and cuddle it calmly throughout the process. We should dedicate a lot of time and give the dog the opportunity to feel that it is safe, while at the same time there should be cooperation between groomers and guardians. If we are dealing with a case of extreme fear or anxiety, it is recommended to seek help from an experienced dog behaviorist.

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