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Dry, itchy skin in our dog and how we can help it!

Their skin, just like in humans, is a dog’s largest organ and it constitutes their "firewall" from the external environment.
The skin barrier, the outer layer of the skin, protects against harmful external factors and ensures skin hydration by preventing moisture loss.
So, what happens to the skin barrier that can cause severe itching in our pet, and what actions can we take to help it.
First of all, it should be noted that it is normal to see our pet scratching once in a while, as, as it happens to humans, some "innocent" factor can cause a momentary itch. But, if we observe intense and very frequent itching in our pet, then we must take it under consideration and proceed with necessary actions to relieve our dog from this annoying and uncomfortable situation.
Before contacting our veterinarian for further investigation, we can do an initial check ourselves to identify possible causes. We carefully examine our dog to see if there are any parasites on its coat or skin, we investigate the spots that the dog scratches to see if there is any erythema, redness, or injury. We try to find out if anything has changed in our pet's routine that may justify the presence of itching and we consult our veterinarian to guide us further.

What can disrupt the skin barrier and cause itching?

There are several factors, such as genetic, environmental, skin diseases or injuries, parasites, a lack of fatty acids in the diet, or simply a case of dry skin.
Is the cause of the intense itching always serious and does it need a treatment protocol?
In most cases, the itching is either seasonal - commonly caused by allergies or parasites - or is simply due to our dog’s dry skin. So, if you have a case of a pet with dry skin or a tendency to atopic dermatitis, you can help it and reduce the itching by taking extra care of its coat and skin.

How? Skin and coat care with products containing ceramides.

Ceramides accurately mimic the link mechanism between skin cells and play an important role in its reconstruction in dry or atopic skin. In addition, they have a very high ability to retain moisture which helps in the regeneration of new cells. It is therefore important to choose products with rich content in ceramides in cases of severely dry or atopic skin, as they can significantly contribute to the reduction of itching and skincare in general.
Top Dog has a solution to this as well, as it has created a complete line of products containing ceramides! The innovative Green Clay Shampoo is suitable even for everyday use and awarded for its innovation, quality, and effectiveness at the Pet Awards 2021. Don't neglect to apply the Conditioner or the Green Clay Mask by Top Dog, also contains ceramides to further strengthen the skin barrier.
Finally, make sure to provide extra hydration and treatment by applying the also award-winning Wound Relief Ointment on areas that suffer most intensely for soothing and immediate relief.
Stay tuned to Top Dog news for your pet care by following us on social media, @Top Dog Natural Pet Products on Facebook, and @topdogpetproducts on Instagram
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