Our Dog's Shedding! It is as natural as their hair.

Our dog’s shedding! It is as natural as their hair.
Almost all breeds of our four-legged friends – some more than others – go through the so-called seasonal shedding, which is nothing more than the normal mechanism for their body to adapt smoothly to the change of seasons towards the warmer months This usually happens during the spring months, while in several breeds it can continue during the summer depending on the prevailing temperatures and especially their lifestyle. Some dogs may shed their hair throughout the year and not under a seasonal flare-up regime, as in modern times dogs spend much of the day indoors and so their body’s perception of the length of the day and the external temperature can change this pace.
So, although it can be quite annoying for us, as the requirements for house cleaning can increase – and it may now be obvious that we are pet parents with a quick glance at our clothes- the process of normal dead hair shedding is necessary for them to maintain the health of their hair and their comfort during the warmer months.
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Apart from the seasonal loss of hair that should not worry us, there are reasons where this is not a consequence of the process of adaptation to the season but is due to other factors that require further investigation.
• Skin irritation (redness, rash, dryness)
• Blank spots in the coat
• Severe hair loss
• Open wounds
• Intense itching
• Intense licking on parts of their skin
Possible causes
There are several factors that can cause abnormal hair loss in our pet and if you notice such a case, consult your veterinarian immediately who is the only one who can diagnose the possible cause and give the appropriate instructions for its treatment.
Some of the possible causes may be simpler such as allergies either seasonal or food-related, deficiencies in our dog’s diet, stress, burn or contact with irritants, parasites, or even more serious such as infections (fungal or bacterial), immune disorders, and other diseases. In any case, consult your veterinarian immediately for guidance.
How can we help our dog during normal shedding?
A great way to help your dog feel more comfortable during this period – as well as your furniture, car, and clothes – and maintain the health of his coat – is to bathe them on a regular basis with shampoos suitable for this condition, significantly reducing the amount of floating hair around your house. Top Dog Keratin Complex and Top Dog Flower Mix shampoos combined with Conditioner or Green Clay Mask can help reduce hair loss and facilitate dead hair shedding.
Regular brushing is also very important and using a slicker (special comb) combined with a special combing and knot removal product such as Easy Comp or Miracle Detangler – especially in long-haired breeds where their coat may have a greater tendency to knots – can help our dog to painlessly and easily remove its dead hair.
A few simple steps and your dog (and your furniture!) will thank you!
The health and comfort of our pets are as important as ours for harmonious and joyful coexistence. By following basic care and grooming steps with the right products we maintain the health of their skin and hair in every season. That is why at Top Dog we have developed a comprehensive range of grooming and skincare products that cover every need of our pets, depending on the skin and hair type, age, and individual needs and characteristics for visible and quality results that last.
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