Citronella Shampoo should not be used on cats because it contains a combination of essential oils such as eucalyptus and citronella.
You can find detailed useful tips on grooming and many other pet hygiene issues on our blog, such as dog bathing at home, puppy bathing tips, mistakes to avoid, and much more.
Below are some quick tips for grooming our pets at home that we should all follow.
Training: We should try our best to create a calm environment, and we use training and positive reinforcement to make bathing a pleasant or at least tolerable experience for our pet.
How often should I bathe my dog? For most dogs, once or twice a month is sufficient. You may need to adjust the frequency and type of shampoo you use for dogs with an oily coat or a strong odor. Consult your veterinarian if your dog has skin conditions, hair loss, or other coat requirements. Bathing should be avoided if an antiparasitic treatment has been applied to the coat (ampoule).
Temperature of the water: Lukewarm water is ideal. It should not be too hot or too cold. Check the temperature on your elbow or the top of your hand (not the palm) to ensure that it is pleasantly warm but not overly hot.
Avoid getting water in the pet's ears and avoid cleaning the inside of the ears with water.
Rinse your pet thoroughly, leaving no shampoo residue. After a bath, we should apply a conditioner or mask to moisturize and strengthen the skin barrier.
Drying: Using a towel, remove as much moisture as possible before completely drying with a hair dryer. Use a low heat setting and avoid getting the hair dryer too close to the dog's coat.
Daily hygiene: Use Top Dog Dry Cleaning shampoo to effectively remove stains and dirt from your pet's paws, coat, and sanitary area.