with a Tiltable Front Door
An Inox bathtub made entirely from 304 stainless steel (INOX), with a tiltable front door that facilitates the entry of the animal into the bathtub. It is equipped with a double hair separation filter that is easily detachable, safe, and easy to clean.
It features adjustable anti-vibration feet to ensure maximum stability, while the back side of the bathtub is higher than the front, limiting water leaks.
The bathtub has a shelf for product placement and is pre-installed with a socket for a mixer and a detachable shower head.
The bathtub can also be enhanced with a low protective wall made of 304 stainless steel, which can contain water splashes and keep the area clean and tidy. Additionally, for extra support points beyond those on the back of the bathtub, we recommend adding a metal bridge, which is especially useful for large dogs and difficult-to-manage animals.
The mixer and shower head can be purchased from our company.
📏 Size:
130 x 50 x 100-120 cm height.