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The 9 essential steps for physically and mentally healthy pets


When we become guardians, caregivers, partners, and family for a pet, we also adopt the obligation to keep them safe, healthy and happy. And although non-negotiable love, socializing, and playing with them can ensure the latter, maintaining their health presupposes from us practical actions that require planning, commitment and financial costs that we must always keep in mind when getting a pet.


1.Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition and ideal weight maintenance, depending on the age and breed of our pet, is perhaps the most crucial part of maintaining their good health. We consult our veterinarian on what and how much our pet should eat to meet its nutritional needs, body structure, strong skeleton and the proper functioning of its organs. We can choose from a plethora of quality food and healthy snacks for our pet, adjusting when and, if needed, the type and quantity.

2. Vaccination

Our pets’ vaccination is necessary as it protects them from very dangerous for their health, even life-threatening diseases such as rabies, parvovirus, distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, rhinotracheitis, a.o.   At the same time, it prevents the transmission of these diseases from one animal to another. Please consult your veterinarian about the vaccination protocol your pet must follow and keep their vaccination record up to date.

3.Regular veterinary check-ups

General rules do not always apply to all pets. In addition to vaccination, scheduled vet visits are necessary to check our pet’s overall health, weight, growth and general condition. As they grow older, pets’ needs in terms of nutrition, exercise, and mental stimulation, as well as their overall state of health, change. We should stay informed on how and if we should change or update how we care for our pets to maintain their overall well-being, depending on their own individual needs.

4. Parasite treatment

Along with vaccination, parasite treatment prevents the transmission of diseases to our pets. Regular and consistent parasite treatment from internal and external parasites such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other parasites ensures getting rid of the discomfort they cause to the pet and, above all, prevents the transmission of hazardous diseases they transmit. The frequency ranges from monthly to quarterly depending on the choice of practice (pill, specialized collar, spray, etc.), which should be selected in consultation with our veterinarian. It is essential to frequently check our pet for parasites even if we follow a complete and consistent parasite treatment program, as there is a possibility that they bypass the protective shield, for example, during periods close to the end of the effect of the method we have chosen.

5. Bathing and pet Grooming  

Bathing and grooming our pets is not a matter of appearance but an essential factor in maintaining good hygiene and health. Cats,  as one of the most diligent groomers of the animal kingdom, confirm this. The animal coat is their protection shield from external environmental factors and contributes to properly regulating body temperature. A clean and groomed coat ensures proper hygiene and dirt and bacteria-free hair. The coat and skin remain hydrated, shiny, and elastic, allowing it to ventilate and remove moisture, preventing the formation of fungi, yeasts, and bacteria on the skin, which in turn cause a series of discomforts and problems such as malodor, dermatitis, itching, oiliness. Brushing, bathing, and, if necessary, haircuts are essential to maintain the health of our pet’s coat and skin. Whether you have a home grooming routine or entrust it to a professional pet groomer,  choose shampoos and grooming products suitable for pets and ideally specially designed for the type of coat and grooming needs of your pet.

6. Exercise – Fun

Regardless of the kind, breed or age, all pets need some form of exercise and mental stimulation. We have been able to integrate pets into our lives mainly because they are social animals and prosper through socialization, co-dependence and interaction with each other and with people. So, depending on the type of pet we have, its age, breed, and personality, we must make sure that it has the exercise and mental stimulation it needs through play, socialization, and walking. Their physical and mental health needs movement, play and tenderness, so we should make sure to spend quality time with them through walks, play and contact with everyday life, inside and outside the home, creating bonds that keep them balanced and happy.

7.Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is also part of the health check routine of our pets. Food residues, saliva and oral bacteria gradually accumulate, creating plaque on their teeth which can cause tartar, bad breath and, most importantly, tooth decay. If we leave a decayed tooth untreated, in addition to the pain this causes to the animal, the inflammation can cause more severe problems through the blood to the liver, the heart and other organs of the body. On how to maintain the proper oral hygiene of our pet, we consult our veterinarian, who will direct us to the alternatives that exist.

8. Ear cleaning

Those ears, which give our pets their unique, irresistible,  cute face, need frequent and careful cleaning. As it is one of their most sensitive organs,  it must be done correctly and cautiously to avoid irritation. Consult your veterinarian or a professional pet groomer on how and how often to clean their ears and what appropriate and safe products you can use to clean them.

9. Safety

Why are dog leashes, electronic tagging for all pets and a safe and weather-protected place to stay non-negotiable for pets?

In addition to diseases, other factors can risk the health and safety of our pets. An impulse or a stressful situation can lead our pet to escape from us or the space in which it lives. Loud noises, other animals, fear or the need for decompression and energy release can lead an animal to react impulsively, and it can happen to anyone, no matter how well-trained a pet is. Cats can climb and hide in the most inaccessible and unlikely places; a dog can run at incredible speed and travel kilometers in just a few hours. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before a pet that wanders unattended among people, cars or other animals or is isolated in a deserted location, at best, gets hungry and thirsty but, most importantly, gets injured. Prevention is the only way to reduce the likelihood of being faced with such a possibility to a minimum. We should always walk our dog on a leash and be alert and aware of the surroundings and the conditions in which we are. We make sure – especially in cases where pets spend many hours of the day or even live outside – that the space is fenced and leaves no room for the pet to escape. There should always be sufficient water (and food in case they live outside); of course, there should be a weather and temperature-protected space (heat, cold, rain) for the animal to rest and seek safety. Finally, if we find ourselves and our pets in the unfortunate situation of them getting lost, tagged collars with updated information but mainly electronic tagging is a sure and quick way for them to return to the safety of our arms.

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