Top Dog Awarded at 2021 PET AWARDS

We are happy to share with you our distinction at the 2021 Pet Awards!
Top Dog received 2 out of the 3 awards in the "Pet Grooming" category while it was also distinguished in the category for "Pet Health Products".
White Musk perfume received the Gold Award for "Best Perfume for Dogs"
Green Clay shampoo received the Silver Award for "Best Shampoo for Cats"
Wound Relief Ointment received the Silver Award in the category "Dog Health Products"
This accomplishment is another confirmation for us that our philosophy for the production of quality products is the only way. We innovate and create in Crete, with love and devotion and always with respect to the needs of our four-legged friends for their health and well-being!
We would like to thank the Pet Awards organizer and its Judges for the honor, but mainly all of you for the love and trust in our products, as we remain committed to continuing with all our forces to create and innovate so we can offer our dear four-legged friends the best!
Because they deserve it!
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